
I'm scared of Devin (an AI software engineer)

So, what's the buzz about Devin?

Recently, a groundbreaking startup named Cognition introduced Devin, heralded as the premier AI software engineer currently available in the market.

Devin Introduction video - Introducing Devin, the first AI software engineer

Devin isn't just your average tool – it's got its own bag of tricks, like its own IDE, CLI, browser, workspace, and more.

According to Cognition's blog, Devin's basically a jack-of-all-trades – it can write code, fix bugs, run tests, deploy stuff, and handle all sorts of development tasks like a champ. Sounds awesome, right? But not everyone's throwing confetti just yet.

I've been seeing a lot of chatter on social media, with folks feeling a mix of excitement and worry about what Devin could mean for the future of software engineering.

Here's my two cents on the matter.

Absolutely, the introduction of Devin marks an exciting milestone in the realm of AI and software engineering. It's indeed a remarkable step towards the future, but it doesn't spell the end for software engineers – at least not yet. However, it does signify the beginning of a thrilling journey.

For the past 2ish years, we've seen the emergence of various tools based on LLMs(large language models) like ChatGPT and Co-pilot, which have undoubtedly been incredible tools. However, they've mostly served as individual components in the software development process, requiring human oversight and integration to form a complete application.

What sets Devin apart is its ability to handle end-to-end development tasks autonomously. It's fascinating to see how Devin possesses enough contextual understanding and intelligence to grasp project requirements. Moreover, it can even scour the internet for necessary documentation, mirroring the way human software engineers operate in their roles.

This development is particularly intriguing because it signifies a significant leap forward in AI capabilities. With Devin paving the way, there's no turning back. The software engineering landscape is evolving rapidly, driven by the ingenuity of talented individuals pushing the boundaries of what's possible. And amidst this rapid evolution, Devin's arrival opens up a world of possibilities and challenges that we're only beginning to explore.

As we navigate this fast-paced space, it's essential to embrace innovation while also remaining mindful of the potential impacts – both positive and negative. After all, the future of software engineering is being shaped not just by technological advancements, but by the thoughtful decisions and actions of the individuals driving this transformation forward.

Could AI Replace Human Engineers?

The question of whether AI could replace human engineers is quite complex. On one hand, AI shows potential in taking over certain tasks, but on the other, there are limitations that make a complete replacement unlikely. Let's take a closer look at both sides of the argument.

For tasks that are easily automated, there's a possibility of AI taking over. Companies are always looking for ways to improve efficiency and cut costs, and if AI can do a job better, faster, and cheaper, it's only logical for them to consider it. However, it's important to understand that this decision is driven by practicality, not malice. Being adaptable and continuously improving your skills is crucial in such a scenario.

It's natural to feel uneasy about AI advancements, but it's also important to evaluate your own value in the workforce. If you're being fairly compensated, focus on enhancing your contributions to your organization's growth. In a rapidly changing technological landscape, stagnation is the enemy of success. Continuous learning is fundamental in software engineering; staying updated with industry trends and technologies is essential. Remember, your professional development is ultimately your own responsibility, not just something your organization should provide.

Strive for excellence in your work. While perfection may be elusive, consistent improvement is achievable. Embrace mistakes as learning opportunities and aspire to be the best version of yourself. Progress is a journey that never truly ends.

Do you really need to be scared?

Honestly, yes, there's reason for some concern. With advancements like Devin on the horizon, it's natural to wonder about the future of traditional software engineering roles. It's not far-fetched to imagine a scenario where a company develops a tool that outperforms human engineers in many aspects.

However, if we shift our perspective, there's also reason for optimism. Even in a future where AI tools like Devin are highly advanced, human oversight and input will remain essential. Picture this: CEOs and management won't simply sit back and dictate orders to machines. Similarly, these tools won't autonomously decide what to build without any human involvement. And even if AI can handle end-to-end development, there will still be a need for skilled individuals to monitor and ensure everything runs smoothly.

In fact, embracing these tools can actually enhance your capabilities as a software engineer. You can accomplish tasks that would normally require a team of people all on your own, increasing your value in the marketplace.

Moreover, the widespread adoption of such tools won't happen overnight. Just look at the slow uptake of tools like ChatGPT and dall-E. Rather than worrying about being replaced, focus on continuously improving your skills and knowledge base. Make yourself indispensable by staying updated with the latest technologies and demonstrating your value to employers.

For those entering the industry, it's important to recognize that the bar is set high. Employers expect candidates to be versatile and knowledgeable across various domains, capable of leveraging existing technologies to drive efficiency and innovation. By preparing yourself accordingly, you'll be well-positioned to thrive in this ever-evolving landscape.


The truth is, you can't avoid the advancements in AI and technology. If AI tools like Devin become mainstream, it's inevitable that millions of developers will be affected. But remember, you're not alone in this. Instead of worrying about what might happen, focus on your work and continue honing your skills.

As the saying goes, don't fret over things beyond your control. The reality is that these developments are driven by well-funded organizations and individuals who are determined to push the boundaries of innovation. It's not realistic to expect them to halt progress for our sake.

The best course of action is to invest in yourself. Keep learning and growing, making yourself as capable and adaptable as possible. Until the day when artificial general intelligence becomes a reality, we still have time to make our mark in the world of software engineering.

So, let's channel our efforts into building the best software solutions that can truly make a difference in people's lives. Let's leave our mark on the world through our creativity, ingenuity, and dedication to excellence.

if you have to say something regarding this, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter or my inbox at is always open for you.

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